Hope Haven Animal Rescue

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Getting Involved

Be the change you want to see in the world."

Volunteer Your Time:

We can always use your help! We need volunteers to help us build and repair fences, dog kennels, and dog houses. We need people to volunteer to help us at pet adoption events. We would love to find a few more great foster homes....  Just e-mail us or give us a call.  Maybe you can help groom or feed or walk or etc....   Any help is good help!!!!

Register for an Upcoming Event:

If you would like to help at an upcoming event please call or e-mail us.  We are more than grateful for the help.  ~~Currently we are in need of some help at PetsMart adoption weekends. If you would like to help please give us a call!!


Make a Donation:

We are in desperate need of money to help build kennels and dog houses(and volunteers to help build them), as well as pay for veterinarian bills, and finish our 501(c)(3). In addition, we are looking for someone who could donate a small piece of land for us to build a shelter on so we can continue to grow and help the animals of our area.  If you or someone you know can help with any of these things please call us at 406-248-8063 any time or email us at heathershopehaven@Yahoo.com .

Write a Letter or Sign a Petition:

Learn how you can "GO GREEN", sign the pledge, and help save our world (April 22nd, the day I am adding this petition, is Earth Day)...DO IT NOW PLEASE!!

Petition to Thank CA Senator for Her Efforts to Protect Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets (and to learn from her so we might get other Senators in other states to do something similar): http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/590114582?z00m=9423789&z00m=9423789&ltl=1176876243
These are just a few of many you can find out there on the web. For more check out www.thepetitionsite.com
If you care....get involved!!!

Copyright 2005, Hope Haven Animal Rescue