Hope Haven Animal Rescue is staffed by volunteers who are dedicated to reducing the number of abandoned, abused,
and neglected pets; ultimately helping to eliminate this unfortunate cycle. We want to see a dramatic reduction of the number
of animals euthanized to those that are absolutely necessary (i.e. animals that are a potential danger to society or animals
that are chronically ill which can not live quality lives). We believe that by helping educate the general public, government
officials, and other animal organizations about correct care and loving ownership of their pets; working with other rescue
groups; and participation in bringing spay and neuter awareness to our community, we can some day achieve this goal.
Hope Haven is a small organization, but we plan on helping out the animals in a great way. We will take
in as many animals that need our help as we can, as space and funding allows. Adoptable animals that come to us will remain
in our care until a caring, loving, responsible home is found for them. These animals will be given proper medical care including
current vaccinations and sterilization.
As Hope Haven grows we would like to expand and improve, and we will, as resources become available. In order
to do so we need volunteers who are willing to learn new skills and be an active part in changing the way animals are treated
in our community and throughout the country. We also need supplies. ANY contribution you are able to make (money to buy what
the animals need, pet food and litter, building materials for kennels, etc.) will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas you would
like to share. We look forward to working with you and our community for years to come.
Hope Haven Volunteers and pets in our care.